Gemma Trevisani, the art of publishing

di Ilaria Verunelli Since November she is the Head of Italian Fiction for Rizzoli Libri, one of the most important Italian publishing houses.  For more than a decade, Gemma Trevisani has been working as an editor, the most beautiful job… Continua a leggere →

Nicola Gardini, talking with the ancients

by Ilaria Verunelli (Image credits: @Mauro Balletti) Nicola Gardini is a professor of Italian and Comparative Literature at the University of Oxford and Fellow of Keble College. As a distinguished Latinist, he is a teacher, writer, and painter. Immediately after… Continua a leggere →

Francesco Filidei, the Italian composer who revived opera

di Ilaria Verunelli He is considered one of the most significant Italian composers of our time. His award-winning music has been performed by world-class orchestras. In 2016 he was named Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry… Continua a leggere →

Mia Canestrini, “La Ragazza dei Lupi”

di Ilaria Verunelli She studied and wrote a lot about wolves. Her first book, La Ragazza dei lupi, is an autobiography that became a bestseller on Amazon. She created the program Beauty and the Beasts for Radio 105, for which she is the… Continua a leggere →

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