by Ilaria Verunelli (Image credits: @Mauro Balletti) Nicola Gardini is a professor of Italian and Comparative Literature at the University of Oxford and Fellow of Keble College. As a distinguished Latinist, he is a teacher, writer, and painter. Immediately after… Continua a leggere →
di Ilaria Verunelli He is considered one of the most significant Italian composers of our time. His award-winning music has been performed by world-class orchestras. In 2016 he was named Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry… Continua a leggere →
di Ilaria Verunelli She studied and wrote a lot about wolves. Her first book, La Ragazza dei lupi, is an autobiography that became a bestseller on Amazon. She created the program Beauty and the Beasts for Radio 105, for which she is the… Continua a leggere →
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